How from a Teacher Flows a kind of Life-But it depends who is the student

Reflections of one of my students-Raheel Waqar  Words of Wisdom Sitting in the Geography class in school, I remember how fascinated I was when we were being taught all about the Dead Sea . As you probably recall, the Dead Sea is really a Lake , not a sea (and as my Geography teacher pointedContinue reading “How from a Teacher Flows a kind of Life-But it depends who is the student”

A Search for Ways to Ensure Peace in the World

let’s see so many intelligent people, if reading, this join hands in an endeavor to look for ways to ensure a really peaceful world, free of hatred, exploitation, injustice and treachery in all its manifestation, a few to mention. We can do it though it is a challenge, man has no history of any suchContinue reading “A Search for Ways to Ensure Peace in the World”