Prudent handling of Frustration Spells is vital for ensuring good health

Prudently handling any challenging situations should not be a problem for us elderly people with loads of experience, having solved many precarious situations in our lives, however, the reality is quite the opposite. Here is a candid analysis of real-life melodrama carrying a lot of lessons for us elders to evade many vexatious situations resulting in temper tantrums and mood swings. In any case, we must remember an urge to learn is proof of hope for the future, as learning is the wealth we fervidly need to buy us a good life tomorrow.

Make your mind busy before little boredom turns into depression

We can always manage challenges of acute boredom and loneliness when faced with a pandemic, whether COVID or chronic ailment like paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, and other brain-related ailments like Multiple Sclerosis, with simple but intelligent innovative ways we can always achieve success and best we could do is to always keep the mind busy. We know an empty mind becomes a devil’s workshop and in our case is BOREDOM’S FACTORY.

Win over monster of lethargy before it turns into devil of depression.

There is nothing wrong in retiring early or resting but remember like healthy food healthy activity and healthy diet etc. there is a Healthy Relaxation as well. Lethargy is a little abnormal activity depicting a typical Mood Swing. Lethargy is the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic, or indifferent and lazy; apathetic or sluggish inactivity. Especially if one is undergoing a chronic ailment like paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, MS and other brain related maladies like Dementia and Alzheimer’s, we must be able to identify the difference between being tired and lethargic.

Winners maintain normal behavior even in abnormal conditions

Behavior is our identity we perhaps are known by this more than our names, maintaining normal behavior is vital catalyst for speeding up recovery from frustrating maladies like paralysis,

Where is a will there is always a way out of depression

When faced with traumatic challenges and frustrating ailments like paralysis we need to be strong and best way to be strong is to be strongly holding on to inherent scruples we are born with.