Worry about minor health issues at times can be more costly than the issue itself

In today’s world ever increasing causes of stress and worries have made it a big challenge to ensure a healthy MIND, which is a vital prerequisite for a healthy body, whereas stress and anxiety resulting from worries directly affect the immune system.
The relationship between worry and dimensions of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents:
Anxiety and the Immune System:

Learn to kill worry before it kills immune system

Fear and grief resulting from worries are key factors destroying our natural defense system like immunity hence precise handling of worries is essentials for winning against all challenges even chronic diseases; every situation might be different such as COVID but being innovative is the answer.

Start living for others to stop worrying

Worry is one major problem when uncounted with malignant maladies and is worst hindrance to recovery process. Best way is to start thinking of others around including doctors, caregiver besides family, sincere efforts to put a smile on their faces will certainly decrease pain agony besides worry.