Don’t be shy asking for help is as sublime a human trait as helping others

With facilities like the internet, providing moral support to anyone in need all across the world is becoming possible today, and lots of people are doing great work in this noble field. However asking for help, especially in advanced countries, at times, is taken as something below one’s dignity, almost becoming a taboo which in reality is as much a sublime human trait as the very act of kindness and helping people in need. Letting someone help us is not only letting that person earn some good with God, but is also greatly diminishing the ego, a big hindrance in our journey towards a life full of health and happiness.

Spirits if high we can be as healthy & able as we want to be

When we are down and out with infirmities we can still rescue ourselves from falling, if we could rise above the needs for sympathy to the extent of becoming HOPE personified i.e. (H) helping (O) other (P) people (E) evolve)

Let’s be a paintbrush and fill the life of everyone with colors

When we are down and out with infirmities like PARALYSIS we can still rescue ourselves from falling badly, if we could rise above the needs for sympathy to the extent of becoming HOPE personified by (H) helping (O) other (P) people (E) evolve, we certainly can achieve such miracle.

Share fear before it grows into gullible obsession – Never be shy

Fear of frustrating maladies like paralysis is more hazardous than ailment itself and best solution is not to let it be hatched into poisonous monster; we must take the venom of such fears out of our minds by sharing with friends and family as soon as possible.

Miraculous healing powers of kind words from a friend

I was introduced with true manifestation of Practical Religiosity when a friend sent miraculous healing with kind words from a distance on Facebook. I truly understood the real meaning of the ideology that “pleasure of Creator is gained by pleasing His creation.” Real essence of religiosity is to somehow becoming a source of benefit for others in one way or the other, the spirit of HOPE as (H) helping (O) other (P) people (E) evolve

Being innovative is a magic bullet for handling chronic ailments

As victim best Miraculous Therapy is in our own hands, we only need to be ore confident & innovative and miracles are always there waiting for us.

Friends fill the voids in picture of happiness

Plateau at times is more of a mental phenomenon and friends can always play a pivotal role in battling with such ghost obstacles in recovery from malignant maladies, only precondition is for us the victim to really be affable & amiable people.