Ensuring good memory with a resilient mindset full of positive vibes

My brother, a NY City marathoner is fighting #Parkinson‘s for the last few years. We perhaps never conversed as relaxed as today, reasons are many such as time was perfectly suiting for both of us, my brother is always worried about the late-night on our side of the world while he is mostly having breakfast. As usual, he complained about his memory seriously getting affected with time. Although, at times, I also have to fish for words, especially running short of technical terms and details, when talking on the phone but on the contrary I was quite surprised to remember graphic details of every topic we talked about because I was so relaxed. In departing words I told him never to worry about any problem in life because worry is the worst habit, more like a virus in our BRAIN COMPUTER, capable of completely crashing down our MEMORY DRIVE. I said by God if we continue like this tomorrow, I can assure you that we could revive OUR memory with this telephonic conversation becoming a proper therapy session, he laughed sheepishly.

In this forum, we have discussed ways to have a good #MEMORY at all ages while having different ailments, taking the help of computer terminologies.


Today we are going to discuss some other HOME REMEDIES getting evolved with these powers of brotherly LOVE as part of HOPE, (H) helping (O) other (P) people (E) evolve.
First learning; why not take weakening memory at plus 65-70 as a big reality? Something absolutely normal like grey hair, weak eyesight requiring glasses beside a long list of other infirmities!

To take care of these “OTHER INFIRMITIES” and welcome the senior age with pleasure, the following unique treatment, is strongly recommended by a stroke survivor.

Let’s start with a strong dose of vitamin F 😀at night before sleeping (forgive & forget) and vitamin G (gratitude) 5 times every day, overdose is not harmful at all 🙃and could be helpful perhaps if one gets used to this natural elixir!! Special precautions are; no ANGER no SELF PITY at all which is like poison for anyone on such medications as special vitamin F & G etc. Must exercise control over slipping into the past, 😏advised only restricted use of PAST: (a) with no REGRETS at all. (b) no SELF PITY.😇

Besides all this, we must continue with the HOPE therapy i.e. (H) helping (O) other (P) people (E) evolve, which is strongly recommended for the long time effect of such unique medication.

Remember weakening memory with age perhaps is a safety valve as well, installed in the great wisdom of the Creator. We are free of so many disturbing memories, automatically switched off in time by this AGE SAFETY CIRCUIT BREAKER; living without such a safety system may be the reason sometimes we might need multiple hypnotics for a comfortable life and other routines like sleeping, etc.
However, this circuit breaker or call it the safety switch is automatically bypassed if we qualify by adopting truly healthy habits, and then we could perform miracles with MIND & MEMORY like Bertrand Russell, see; “The Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday”, the last volume of his autobiography, published in 98th year of his life, the year of his death.


Incredible Bertrand Russell Quotes that will change your life | Quotes, Aphorisms, and Wise Words. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/…/reflections-eightieth…

Example of an Incredible Memory: Stephan Hawking is another great example, he had a great mind & memory till his death at 76, despite his serious disabilities which restricted him to a wheelchair.


Stephen Hawking speaks at MIT – Education, and Technology Sept. 1994. Makes a special reference to DISABILITY only at the end, being his last worry and thus his last priority: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-2GV0T5Zpc&t=63s…

Some religious teachings categorize this decay in age both as a blessing and a curse depending on the individual as discussed above.

How does memory works? Perhaps is out of the scope of this humble study but how our brain-computer works with memory, is really unique and gets sharper as we use it without putting stress on it. If we know how all it works we could also be doing miracles with our minds like Stephen Hawking and Bertrand Russell, we will also keep working smartly with our minds at all ages, be sure it won’t fail you if could value it like a darling.

Few friendly formulas:

1. Treat your memory like a friend and a beloved, not as an alien stranger. Remember your friend gets seriously hurt when you complain about this fellow in front of strangers and for obvious reasons starts slowing down in performance.
2. Never fill your memory drive with unnecessary data, like hot discussions about politics and other futile debates about other news items, which only overburdens your memory drive, seriously hindering its performance.
3. Hard and rigid habits don’t leave enough space for the latest UPDATES so vital for optimal performance, remember ONLY a flexible mind is always open, and easily absorbs new information, LIKE A PARACHUTE ONLY GUARANTEES SAFETY WHEN OPEN.
4. We can always keep increasing the size of our memory drive by deleting away the JUNK FILES (Negative memories) from our Memory Drive.
5. Don’t mishandle the memory box, never throw it around.
6. Never hurt or treat your memory drive harshly, avoid putting scratches on your memory drive by getting annoyed, and using harsh words. Never lose your temper this will undoubtedly result in losing the precious data from your memory drive, always handle the memory drive with care, and never misuse it.

With love to my BELOVED friends ❤X❤

Conceived on 16 Jun 2021

——————-Writing on the picture——————-
never get old like our body
with age, we may need specs for eyes
but for brain cells we only need

Mind & memory only need positive thinking to be young forever

Please visit the following links for more studies on the topic:
(1) Preparing and handling old age:

(2) Positive Thinking:

(3) Mind Powers:

For achieving all kinds of miracles in our life the first and foremost prerequisite is to have an OPEN MIND and like the parachute, only an open mind is a guarantee for safety.


Published by tariqrazi

I feel I am lucky to have attended multifarious institutions including schools from very remote areas of Pakistan to the prestigious institutions like Government College University of Lahore, Pakistan Military Academy from where I luckily graduated at a 2nd position missing the sword of honor only by one position. I did my basic Helicopter Conversion from Bell Helicopter International in Isfahan, Iran and an Instrument Rating from Fort Rucker Alabama. After being a flight instructor for about 10 years I got early retirement and since then I am teaching Religious Studies and Islamiyat to O & A Levels. A profession I feel has given me great sense of achievement besides so many good people as my beloved students who are like a family now, which I take as an asset to me. 31 Jan 2019 had a brain stroke, this challenge has given me now a unique purpose in my life, to be a source of benefit for all & help everyone in Recovery from all agonies even paralysis. This humble effort has been a big source of HOPE for me as I take hope to be; (H) helping (O) other (P) people (E) evolve

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